Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Bummer of A Week

This is how my weeks has been going .......  Doc stated that I have to stay off the foot for a week, also put me on heavy medication..... what a bummer!!   At least I'm getting some binding finished off..... binding the second quilt today.    I sure wish I had a "MAID" or a good little fairy,.... the house needs cleaning,  white floors show doggy foot prints.     BBBOOOORRRRIIIINNNNNGGGGG!!
(the black is my foot)


Joan said...

Rest and be well Rebecca - even Dream Cottages will still be there when you are fit. Mmmm heavy medication - not sure about that though... not nice! Go with the flo - and get the binding done :)

Raylene Smith said...

take the opportunity and get stuck into all of the hand sewing you've bin wanting to do, girlie...demand a bit of TLC from Steve...make him wait on ya hand and foot...stretch it out as much as look after yaself...ya hear???

vivian said...

Sorry about your foot-I must've missed that post! Send the fairy to my house when she's finished with your floors!! My furbabies are bringing in leaves and debris-having to vacuum everyday!! take care!

Suzan said...

THINK OF THE GOOD THINGS, You can show us your finished quilts after.
Sometimes, I really hate to finish the bias, that means our story together is almost over.
Hope your foot gets better fast, and I am sure it will,
XXOO Suzan