Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Wicked Witch Landed

Look who landed at my house....... I think she came after her bike .... to bad it is chained to the porch.  

Twinke went to the vet today for her first shot....  she is five weeks old.   She has to wait one more week before she can go to her new home.    My grandson was here today to see her.   He is sooooooo excited,  this is his first pet.  

I love my fall pumpkin quilt.   I was going to give it away as a gift but decide to keep it.  Looks pretty  good hanging over the door on the armoire.


Diane said...

your bike vignette is adorable-love that pink spider ring!
Twinkle is a cute name for a cute kitty.
the pumpkin quilt looks wonderful there--I'd have kept it too!

Raylene Smith said...

love it...and the cupboard as well...just as well I live so far away...might fit in the back of my ute...lol